Opening Hours : Mon - Sat : 8.30 to 16.00

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Welcome To Skykey Finance is India’s leading on-line and offline portal, providing credit solutions for all personal and business needs under one umbrella from leading banks and NBFC’s at competitive terms. Our proprietary technology that connects borrower anonymised data directly into the credit approval process of over 130 banks, NBFC's & Financial Institutions. Our technology, coupled with the expertise of our team of C.A and Bankers, allows us to discreetly and efficiently get borrower access to the best possible terms.

Skykey Finance was founded on a legacy of knowledge and innovation, coupled with customer- first approach .We are committed to providing optimal credit solution to our customers paving the way for their better financial services in one powerful package giving consumers access to responsible and transparent credit option. We are tie-up with over 150 Financial Institutions, Banks & NBCFs offering over 80 products

Our Vision

At Skykey Finance Consultancy Services, our mission is to simplify and enhance the financial lives of our clients by providing trusted, transparent, and expert loan advisory and financial planning services.

Our Goals

Our goal іѕ to рrоvіdе a high level of ѕоund аnd meaningful financial ѕеrvісеѕ tо thе реорlе we ѕеrvе.Our customers rесеіvе a mаtсhlеѕѕ еxреrіеnсе thаt fаr еxресtаtіоnѕ.

Our Partners

At Skykey Finance Services, we partner with leading banks, financial institutions, insurance providers, and FinTech companies to deliver a wide range of loan products and financial solutions.

India Network

Skykey Finance Services has established a robust network throughout India, enabling us to connect clients with a diverse range of leading banks and financial institutions. Our nationwide presence ensures that we can provide tailored loan solutions and personalized financial advice to clients in every region. By leveraging our extensive partnerships, we empower individuals and businesses to access competitive rates, innovative products, and expert guidance, making the path to financial success clearer and more achievable for everyone.

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